Windows Longhorn build 4015 (Lab06_n)

Build of Windows Longhorn
OS familyWindows NT
Version number6.0
Build number4015
Build labLab06_n
Compiled on2003-04-03
Expiration date
Timebomb2004-04-11 (+374 days)
About dialog

Windows Longhorn build 4015 (Lab06_n) is an unleaked Milestone 5 build of Windows Longhorn. This build was shown at WinHEC 2003 to demonstrate the new Desktop Compositing Engine which produces fancy graphical effects without relying on the CPU and slowing down the system. It is a GUI/end-user interface test build, as it is from the Lab06_n branch. The same system that was shown at WinHEC 2003 was later used during PDC 2003 alongside a system running build 4018. A screenshot of this build is also known to exist, extracted from a Microsoft presentation about the Avalon graphics stack (TW04036_WINHEC2004).

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